Our full race Power Glide Transmissions are available in many different build ups .Our base Power Glides start with a hand picked core. The case then receives a complete overview to ensure strength & durability, it is then modified & machined for each specific application. Our SFI case power glides start with either a Reid 1pc or modular case/bell, JW case/bell combo or ATI case/bell combo & then receives the same overview to ensure top quality before assembly. All gear sets are completely disassembled, checked & reassembled in house to our tolerances. Every build up receives complete bearing upgrades to keep all tolerances up to our specifications.
The direct drum receives a complete overhaul. It is machined, finished & fitted with a steel hub to withstand pass after pass reliability. Our race pumps are given a complete makeover to ensure proper gear life & durability. All of our race pumps receive a new SONNAX stator tube that is drilled & tapped, thus completely securing it to the pump body to prevent twisting or movement. All of our glides receive a pro-brake & can be upgraded or changed to accommodate your specific needs.
Line pressure will be set for your specific application to give you the best possible reliability available. All of our glides get a band that is designed for that specific application along with a dual ring servo to guarantee ultimate holding power in low gear. Our standard race glide receives a 300M input shaft. To finish this off we install a deep aluminum pan & from here is where the upgrades begins. We strive to provide you with the latest technology and best possible parts available.
Our Powerglide transmissions are available with just as many options to accommodate every type of boosted combo along with big H.P. nitrous. Since 2000, we have been getting you everything you need to make your vehicle quick and dependable.
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